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How Much To Feed My Dog Calculator | Learn Today

How Much To Feed My Dog Calculator

How Much To Feed My Dog Calculator | Learn Today

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Knowing your dog’s ideal weight is not accurate in determining how much you should give your dog each day. Different breeds of dogs have different sizes. You will help your dog live a long and healthy life if you feed him high-quality, complete, and balanced puppy food. However, this raises many questions for new (and experienced) puppy owners alike.

Learn more about dog feeding in our complete guide below. Professionals provide answers to your questions and advice to ensure your puppy is a success.

Adult Dogs

Try to feed 3-5% of your pet’s ideal weight. It is usually divided into two meals a day. For dogs that need to gain weight or need more nutrition, increase the amount of each meal over time until they reach their optimal weight. If the animal needs to lose weight, reduce the daily feed until it reaches an optimal weight.

Small dogs are generally highly metabolized and may require a little more, while large dogs generally need less.

Adjust your diet to suit the needs of each animal. The activity level, age, and size of your dog or cat will determine the final amount you give.

Important Note: Feeding is not an exact science – every animal has a different metabolism and nutritional needs, so tailor the diet to your pet’s needs.

Choose the Right Dog Food.

The calculator offers dry and wet food options, the most common varieties. Raw, freeze-dried dog foods are not included in the calculation since they are not very popular and are generally not recommended by veterinarians. This option, however, can be added.

There is no way to include homemade food in your calculations because the calories in dog food vary widely depending on the ingredients and recipes used.

If you want to calculate the exact amount of DIY dog food, use an online tool that calculates the recipe’s nutritional value based on its ingredients. You must choose the right ingredients (e.g., raw, uncooked meat) and weigh them correctly. This will lead to inaccurate calculations.

Weight-Based Calculation of Dog Food

Your dog’s weight is the most important factor determining how much energy he needs. A heavier dog requires more energy to keep active. To calculate the daily portion size, you’ll need to provide your weight in pounds or kilograms.

When your dog is still long enough, you can weigh it on a scale to determine if this is the case. You can also weigh yourself with a dog and subtract your weight from the number. Using a unique pet scale, your vet should be able to estimate the exact weight.

Dog food manufacturers often consider breed size, although it is an important factor. Breeds of small and miniature dogs have high metabolic rates, which causes their energy needs to be higher.

Big and giant breeds have slower metabolisms and don’t need much energy to stay active. Small breed dog food is generally more energy-dense and nutrient-dense than large breed dog food.


Dog weight Calculation Overview

(Dog weight in pounds) x 16 (ounces in a pound) = Dog weight in ounces

(Weight in ounces) x % to feed (2% -3% on average) = Ounces to feed per day

Let’s use a healthy 10lb adult dog for this example.

  • Healthy adult dogs can eat raw or gently cooked food up to 2.5% of their body weight.
  • Depending on your dog’s needs: 5-6% puppies, 2% overweight, 3% underweight or high energy.
  • Multiply your dog’s current weight in pounds by 16 (ounces in a pound) to get their weight in ounces.

Your dog’s weight in ounces is approx. 10lb x 16oz = 160oz

You can calculate their weight in ounces by multiplying it by the percentage you want to feed them.

A dog needs 4 ounces of raw food every day (160oz x 2.5% = 4 ounces per day).

How Much To Feed My Dog

Dog Feeding Chart

How to Stop Feeding Puppy Food?

Eventually, you’ll have to stop feeding puppy food and switch him to a complete and balanced adult dog food.

Breed size is a factor in this transition, just as how much to feed a puppy is determined by his breed. Larger breeds typically take longer to reach full maturity. Therefore, they may need puppy food for up to two years.

You can expect to switch to adult dog food between the ages of one and two.

For tips on making the transition easy on your dog, talk with your veterinarian.

If dogs eat once a day, is that okay?

It’s a good idea to feed adult dogs twice a day. Dogs need to be fed twice a day by veterinarians. Some people feed their dogs once a day, but dogs that are only fed once a day can get hungry and sometimes can suffer from bilious vomiting (vomiting caused by an empty stomach).

Is there a recommended feeding schedule for dogs?

Dogs should eat at least two meals per day, about 12 hours apart. In addition, a schedule of breakfast, lunch, and dinner is equally effective. The stomach can become hyperacid if more than 12 hours elapsed between meals.

One cup of dry dog food contains how many calories?

Dry dog food has an average of 325 to 600 calories per cup. Remember to include treats as well. One dog bone has about 35 calories.

Our Recommendation

Using this calculator, you can estimate your pet’s daily food requirements. Don’t forget to factor in metabolism, breed, activity level, and body fat. Compared to their body size, smaller dogs tend to eat more, while larger dogs eat less.

Pets enjoy overeating, but try not to give in to them. You should feel a thin layer of flesh covering your pet’s ribs.

Feel free to contact us if you have questions about meal planning.