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How To Make Your Dog Smell Good Without A Bath

How To Make Your Dog Smell Good Without A Bath

How To Make Your Dog Smell Good Without A Bath

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Having a smelly dog can make any owner’s nightmare worse if not stopped. Many different factors can cause an animal’s smell, and it can come from any part of its body, including its hair. Thankfully, it’s not so hard to get rid of the bad smell.

A good bath is the best way to treat stinky smells in dogs. While most canine friends dislike bathing, it becomes necessary when they smell bad. You should also ensure they are appropriately groomed and their bedding is cleaned regularly.

Bathe your dog with high-quality dog shampoo or one recommended by your veterinarian. Wash it thoroughly with lukewarm water. After air-drying, the odor should be gone.

It’s not a good idea to bathe your dog more than once a month since it can damage their hair. However, there are many ways to get rid of bad smells.


9 simple ways to make your dog smell good without a bath


Regular brushing will help remove dirt and allergens from your dog’s fur, whether it has a long or short coat. When these build up, your dog’s fur can become particularly stinky.

Brushing may also reduce shedding by removing dead skin cells and loose fur. Keeping your dog’s fur clean and healthy is one of the benefits of brushing regularly.

2- Door Paws Should Be wiped.

Using pet wipes keeps your dog’s skin soft and helps deodorize smelly areas. Wipe your pup’s paws before getting into the car or walking in the house to freshen them up. Keep pet wipes at the door and in the car to prevent muddy feet.

3- Sprays For Freshening

You can also try a refreshing spray made specifically for dogs, in line with your pet’s wipe. These special deodorant sprays give the dog freshness and help improve the dog’s fur.

Do not spray the dog’s head or face when using these sprays. It can accidentally irritate a puppy’s eyes and ears. The best way to apply it turned out to be to spray your hand first and keep your hand on the dog’s fur.

It would be much less intimidating if they thought it was an excellent scratching session that keeps your pet safe, points the bottle at him, and sprays an unknown liquid.

4- Dental Hygiene

Oral care is often overlooked in terms of dog hygiene, yet it is essential. It is important to take care of your dog’s teeth since they are prone to plaque and gum disease, just like humans. A dog’s dental bones, drinking water additives, and brushing can be powerful tools to prevent plaque buildup.

5- Nutrition

As well as helping with gastrointestinal problems, a good diet can fight smells from the inside out. Your dog’s nutritional needs can also promote a healthy digestive system and help him feel better. Low-quality foods can lead to odours and flatulence.

6-Clean dog ears

If your dog’s ears aren’t regularly cleaned, they can become particularly odorous. Wipe the inside of your dog’s ears gently with a cotton ball soaked in baby oil, starting from the inside and working your way out.

This process should be done with great care since your dog’s ears are sensitive.

7- Dry Shampoo

The popularity of no-rinse dry shampoos among humans has lasted years, but dry shampoos have just recently gained popularity among pet parents.

Dry shampoos are available as sprays, powders, and mousses. Using baking soda, cornstarch, and pet-safe essential oils, you can even make your own.

In addition to neutralizing odours in your dog’s coat, these dry shampoos can keep their skin and fur healthy.

8- Rinse After Walking

After a muddy dog walks, try washing your dog with water. This will prevent it from getting dirty in the house and not cause any skin problems as you are not using the product.

9- Clean Dog Bedding

It is important to clean your dog’s things, including their belongings and kennels. Dogs become infected with parasites when they sleep. It would help if you periodically sensitized your pet’s resting area. Additionally, the hair of the dog absorbs the smell of its housing. To avoid the stinky smell, keeping the dog’s housing clean is important.

 Hygiene Tips For Dogs

  1. A dog with healthy insides has a better-smelling coat. Proper digestion can help reduce gas and keep teeth and gums healthy.
  2. Regularly bathing your dog would help in some cases. Aromatherapy shampoos, such as citrus or tea tree, will help fight odor.
  3. Make sure to brush your dog every 2-5 days. By brushing regularly, you distribute oils, get rid of dead fur, and limit shedding.
  4. Let’s watch a video


Does perfume work on a smelly dog?

Yes, you can use perfume on your dog if it does not contain alcohol. Before spraying, make sure the dog does not have any open wounds or cuts on its body. All perfumes and deodorants for dogs do not contain alcohol. When applied to a puppy’s skin, the area can dry out and cause allergies.

Therefore, you only need to spray the perfume labelled “Alcohol-Free.” When spraying, spray only on the dog’s fur and avoid areas such as the eyes, nose, and genitals. Also, please don’t overdo it. Too much perfume can irritate your dog. Remember, they don’t need a good scent.

What causes wet dogs to smell?

During bath time, after a play in the rain or lake, or after a swim in a pond, a dog can smell foul due to natural oils and microorganisms such as bacteria and yeasts. You have several options for remedying a wet dog smell caused by an average dog floral.


A dog’s constant smell is irresistible, and you can’t bathe every day. That’s why it’s important to groom and clean your dog daily to prevent body odor. We explained easy and simple ways to avoid unpleasant dog smells. You can follow these ways. They will help you and get rid of the bad dog smell.