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9 List of Dog Commands And Hand Signals | 2023

List of Dog Commands And Hand Signals

9 List of Dog Commands And Hand Signals | 2023

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To improve the behaviour and communication skills of the dog, learning basic dog commands and hand signals is essential. By using hand signals and auditory commands, dog owners can respond better to their dogs. Additionally, your dog’s relationship will improve when you teach these commands to him properly.

We provide a list of dog commands and hand signals that you can teach to your pet based on what you need. This article explains why your dog must be taught hand signals as part of dog training.

Basic dog commands and hand signals are important why?

Hand signals are important, so teaching your dog to respond to hand signals is unnecessary.

  • When you are going to a noisy place, your dog may not understand your verbal instructions. You need to teach your dog hand signals and communicate with him when he is in a noisy area.
  • You have to teach your dog hand signals for him to compete in competitive sports and competitions.
  • Most old dogs lose their hearing or struggle to hear you, so training with hand signals is beneficial.
  • Focusing on hand signals can also help your dog’s mind. Dogs learn better by being exposed to new things.
  • Positive training also improves your bond with your dog.
  • If you intend to enter advanced obedience competitions, your dog will also need to learn hand signals.

List of dog commands and hand signals

Easily teach your dog commands and hand signals with our comprehensive guide. The following steps and hand signals can help you establish trust and communication between the owner and the dog.

1-  Lie down

With this hand signal command, you can tell your dog to lie down. Pick up the treat in your hand and then use your finger to make a signal that you’d like to lie down.

Using a verbal command and a hand signal may also be more effective. If you point your finger horizontally at your chest, you should gently move it down or on the ground.

It is also known as ” Fingers pointing down” and indicates your dog is lying down on the floor based on your hand signal.

List of dog commands and hand signals

2- Take a stand

Hold your hand with your palm facing forward at your side to let a dog you have told sit that it is okay to stand up. Draw your hand sharply backwards.

3- Keep on staying

This is one of the essential commands, along with sitting. It is essential when you are walking your pet near the street. Now hold your palm in front of your chest, facing away from you and down at your dog.

4- Heel

Hold your hand near your hip and tap it or move your hand in a circular motion near your hip to call your dog to heel. Both actions will bring your dog to your side.

5- Come

This hand signal is what you have to follow to get your dog to come to you. Dogs know this command and hand signal as “Hand Across Chest.” You need to extend your hand to your chest with the palm facing forward in this step.

Crossing your hand towards your opposite shoulder is the proper way. When your dog is off-leash in public areas and parks, you can use this technique or hand signal.

6- Watch Me

When you give your dog a series of hand signals, you will want him to pay attention to what you are doing. Point one finger to your eye if you want them to keep their attention.

7- Sit

Dogs respond to this command the most. Your dog is likely to learn this command first. Put your hand palm facing the sky at your chest and raise it upward. Ensure that you pair the verbal command “sit” with the hand signal when you start training.

List of dog commands and hand signals8- Take It

If you want your dog to take something out of your hand or something close to you, hold your hand out in front of them with your palm open and then close your palm.


9- Free

To set your dog free, you must use this command and hand signal. Using this hand signal, you only need to hold your hands near shoulder height with your palms always facing out. Your dog is now free and relaxed if you follow this hand signal.

How to train your dog for commands and hand signals?

Your dog needs to learn the connection between verbal commands and hand signals. This can be done in two ways:

  1. Maintain a simple hand signal
  2. Praise and reward good behaviour.

When your dog responds correctly to your commands, gradually decrease the reward. When your dog knows the standard commands, such as sit, stay, etc., transition to hand signals. It is best to train your pet every day. Your dog will quickly pick up the hand signals if you make it a priority!

Pro Tip: It’s not a good idea to teach your dog voice commands and hand signals simultaneously. As a result, they may learn that a combination of the two calls for the required behaviour, making either alone significantly less effective.



Learning hand signals for your dog can be very useful. This can also be beneficial because he won’t be bored and you’ll feel closer.

It’s an excellent way to communicate with your dog in noisy environments when they can’t hear you and if they start losing their hearing as they age.

As a result, hand signals are a great way to ensure your dog is better behaved, controlled, and trained.

Train patiently and have fun. Get closer to your pet with these 9  training tips!